"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

~Charles Darwin

Spring DWA 2011-2012

 Letters To God

Author's Note- In this piece I am going to be myself as the letter is based on the movie Letters to God.  I will write a letter similar to what the main character probably would have wrote but what is happening in my life.  Some scenes may be made up.  This is my third of three pieces.  I am working on voice, idea development and content, sentence fluency, and conventions.  The last paragraph  is what the main character in the movie went through.  The movie was based on a true story.

Dear God,                                                                                                                          5/11/2012

          I was wondering if I am going to get my tonsils taken out this week?  I know that I am a warrior of God, but even getting my tonsils taken out is scary.  If this is scary, what other scary things will there be to come.  I just hope that you will give me the light to the path.  Maybe if something hurts I can just ignore it and get something to distract me.  I guess that would work okay.
           God, please help me get through soccer next week as I am going to Lake Geneva for a soccer tournament.  I hope I won't need any medical attention for the game.  Just please help me get through that if I need any of that.
          And lastly, please help me get through cancer.  If I don't make at least I get to meet you, right?  Please let the doctors be supportive and caring.  Same with my parents, friends, school, and the rest of my family.  That is all I can ask for one letter.

Your friend and Warrior, 

Tyler (Quinn)


Author's Note-In this piece I am trying to work on organization, conventions, and idea development & content. This is an old piece that Mr. Johnson recently brought up and told me to use it in my DWA. 
     Prometheus, one of the twelve Titans,  may be the most fearsome of all Titans.  Symbolism, what the Greek people said about Prometheus and punishment are all big parts on the Greek myth that you probably don’t know about until now. 
    Symbolism to Prometheus is a big key to this myth just like an end touchdown area is to a football field.  The symbol for Prometheus is usually a man tied to a rock with an eagle on top of him.  The Greeks believe that the person tied to the rock is Prometheus and the eagle is Zeus. The Greeks used this story to promote the science of the human body.  Some think the myth indicates that the ancient Greeks knew about the liver’s remarkable capacity for self-repair, this story soon made two new words that you have probably used before.  These words are mend and repair.
    Prometheus was very intelligent with what he created; this may be why the Greeks were so smart.  The Greek culture believes that the Titans created their people.  They have Prometheus to thank for what they think created them.  The way that the Greeks believed Prometheus created them was by shaping them into clay first then after bringing fire to them as a sign of what he had a lot of, intelligence.
    Zeus was the only god that was not eaten by his father, the head of the Titans.  His mother hid him and took care of him until he understood what was going on.  Later on he had a plan to torture or punish all twelve titans in some way.  He had succeeded in doing that.  What Zeus did to Prometheus is chained him to a rock and tell an eagle to come and feast on his liver.  He also said the liver would keep re-growing every night so that the eagle may eat each day.
    Perhaps without the myth of Prometheus we might not know anything about the liver up until modern day technology.  We will also need to promote the human body in order to learn even more than we already do.  This is why the Greeks may or may not have created Prometheus.

Just Like Billy

Author's Note-In this piece I am trying to get as high a grade as I can as this will probably be my main piece.  I was trying to use lots of organization in this and a couple other things like idea development and content, sentence fluency, and conventions.  This is the first of my three pieces.
       "Just kick the can in the old market, let's round up some cattle"  says my old grandma which I call gran gran.  My mother today wore an old colorful dress that gran gran used to wear.  Under the counter my kid brother went to play with his cars.  I have loved those sweet little cars that I have had since I was three.  As he throws his cars on the  ground I have this urge to run over to him and give him a big hug while he plays with all my old toy cars.  Still I have to be a man and keep my cool.  The farm that we live on in Kentucky isn't the biggest but we manage to keep a cool head.  All we have is our thirteen beautiful cattle.  There is three bulls, six calves, and four cows.  My favorite bull is Billy.  He is somewhat a super cow as he is the first bull ever to climb to the peak of Mt. Everest.  Lately he has not been feeling so good and we are worried sick that he will not make it.  We think he ate a piece of chocolate that had been on the ground for a while because one of our workers found his vomit under some hay that he sleeps in.  Billy loudly came out of the barn the next day but it was more of a screeching noise than a happy noise.  As we walked over to Billy he had a big red gash in his belly.  Then we started to run over to him.  We couldn't get him to stand or move or really do anything.  We had to call a veterinarian to get over to our farm.  They vividly rushed over to the farm.  It only took about seven minutes for them to get here and they had to do the operation out in the field due to the bulls weight.  I was the one who had to greet them in our driveway.  They  were disgusted by our accent since we are originally from Wisconsin but we needed to get to the bull before it was to late.  When we got to the bull it turned out that the bull frantically died roughly two minutes ago.

       We buried old Billy under the bridge of the Viking shipmate in the Microck Desert.  Where we found a rare monkey of the Francis Scott breed.  Apparently they see this monkey all the time.  The people that live in the Microck Desert even named the monkey.  His name is Sir Francis Key Scott.  Before we bought Billy we heard of stories that Billy played with a monkey.  Maybe Francis Key Scott is the monkey he played with because he is from this area.  And this was his favorite spot of his past life.  This is why we buried him here.  But know we have to forgive ourselves and move onto our next twelve cattle.  So we can soar like an eagle who is flying over all of our loved ones just like Billy.

1 comment:

  1. Your third writing piece was interesting, but there are not a lot of sentences.
