"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

~Charles Darwin

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Re-telling for Peace Like a River

Author's Note-This is a re-telling for peace like a river,  I am trying to improve my re-telling skills so I will be coming out with a different one soon.

When the leader of the family gets is on the brink of death and his son is in jail, it is up to two children that don’t have a mother.  They must find their brother since he has fled before the end of the trial so the family can live again. When they find their brother they can not stay with him so they keep a low profile with him.  At the end the boy faces death straight in the eye along with his father.  Death chooses his father and the son gets his life back and defines the true meaning of peace.

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