A Needed Apology from the Wrong Person
Author's Note- In this piece I am the coach from the Mudville Nine apologizing to the fans from the performance that the team gave. I will apologize for Casey who will not. I will use some of Casey's (made up) words and put it in the letter. I will also use the example of a disappointment letter that is from the student samples page. It is the second one down.
Dear Town and Fans of Mudville,
I am sorry for our poor performance at the game the other day. I can assure you that Casey will not play in our next game. He will also have a meeting with Mudville Nines owner, Russel Wilcot, along with me. This is to assure you that we will get him in order for next season now that we only have two more games and no chance of making the playoffs.
The other day I received a disappointment letter from a fan. She basically said we need to get Casey in order because she as along with many other fans they are very upset. This is Casey's apology to the fans, "I am not apologizing for my performance. I am apologizing for the balls that were thrown to me. And the umpire made two bad calls on the first two pitches. The only thing that I am apologizing for is my hack at the last ball thrown to me."
As you can see by Casey's words we need to straighten him up. I will take no more complaints about Casey's performance after this letter has been sent. Lastly I would just like to thank you the fans for a great season with us. We could not be a team without our loyal fans.
Thank You, Manager of Mudville, Dennis Jode
Dear Town and Fans of Mudville,
I am sorry for our poor performance at the game the other day. I can assure you that Casey will not play in our next game. He will also have a meeting with Mudville Nines owner, Russel Wilcot, along with me. This is to assure you that we will get him in order for next season now that we only have two more games and no chance of making the playoffs.
The other day I received a disappointment letter from a fan. She basically said we need to get Casey in order because she as along with many other fans they are very upset. This is Casey's apology to the fans, "I am not apologizing for my performance. I am apologizing for the balls that were thrown to me. And the umpire made two bad calls on the first two pitches. The only thing that I am apologizing for is my hack at the last ball thrown to me."
As you can see by Casey's words we need to straighten him up. I will take no more complaints about Casey's performance after this letter has been sent. Lastly I would just like to thank you the fans for a great season with us. We could not be a team without our loyal fans.
Thank You, Manager of Mudville, Dennis Jode
I really think that this is interesting topic writing a letter to the people of Mudville. One thing I have a problem with is, on your ending, it has just Mudville, not Muville Nine like you stated in your aouthor's note.