"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

~Charles Darwin

Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriots Pen

Author's Note-This is a piece about me ranting on how bad Thomas Jefferson was as a leader.  This is  313 words long.

Dear Founding Fathers,

I know that you helped make America and all of that.  But there is definitely some issues that I want to talk about.  Thomas Jefferson, great leader, said all men should be created equally.  But did he really treat
everyone the same?  Why did he get to own slaves and still get special treatment?

Thomas Jefferson was the biggest hypocrite in the world.  When he said all men should be created equally.  If you really go deep into that sentence it only says men, not women.  And in Social Studies we learned about Jamestown, not one single women went to Jamestown in the first two years.  Is that really being fair to the women wanting to start a new life?

Also Jefferson owned slaves!  If he says that all men are created equally, then what makes him think that he can own slaves.  Just because one man is white and the other is black doesn’t mean that the black one is an alien or something.  So you’re telling me that you judge people by the color of their skin.  Why did it take the fourteenth president to finally get rid of slavery?  Why not the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth?  They were all fathers of our nation, so why can’t they deal with all the big issue stuff?

Overall we had some pretty bad leaders. I think if you did some research on America’s founding fathers you would find that we did actually have great leaders. But they have one simple thing wrong with them!  Much like common leaders today, they were hypocrites. This would make me so mad in colonial America, I would want a leader that I know can get the big issues.  But you just got to be happy with the leaders you got and that is why I am thanking you, kind of...

Sincerely,  Quinn

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