"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

~Charles Darwin

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Buried Treasure Prediction

Author's Note-  This is a prediction based on the short story "Buried Treasure."  I am creating an ending for the story.  My background knowledge on why I think this will happen is because it sounds like Clarence did the same mistake that Cody just made by stealing the golden hook.  So Clarence will get payback on Cody.  It also sounds like the story keeps repeating itself so I put that in too.

He went out to the woods the next morning to burn the gold into a block.  But there is a cracking sound and fog in the air.  He hears an ax chopping away at a tree, but when he turns it stops.  The tree snaps and starts to fall.

"TIMBERRR!" says a faint, ghost like voice.  Cody turns around but it is to late, the tree has landed on his hand and taken it right off.  Cody grabs the hook and books it for the town.  He gets into town and runs through the streets.  Not a single light is on in the road and there is no one to be found.  "Is this natural?  What is happening?"  He decides to turn back and run for the woods again.  Cody runs to the cabin  that Clarence lived in.

*     *     *     *     *

Only a couple times anyone ever saw Cody.  He got an apprentice named John but he was a trouble maker just like him.  Cody said he will be buried with his gold hook.  But legend says he is out to get John if he does not bury him with a piece of gold.

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