"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

~Charles Darwin

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Persuasive Essay

Inside the Files

Author's Note- This piece is a persuasive essay on the Lance Armstrong case.  I am for Lance Armstrong so I will be defending him.

"He has all seven titles no matter what the score sheet says, we all know how the real winner is." ~Greg LeMond

The Evidence, what do they have?  I can tell you that the American Anti-Doping Agency has over 600 files of paper work that says only one time Lance Armstrong has taken performance enhancing drugs.  How can a man who won seven consecutive  Tour de Frances lose a doping battle.  How can we find out how he got caught?

Over two hundred allegations, not one lost.  Why does everyone want to catch him?  Probably because they want to get it out of the way so they can strip his medals.  If they just want to do that, which I believe they do, I am glad he gave up.

What is that one out liar in the files though?  Simple, Lance Armstrong was training when he fell off of his bike and got a scrape all across his leg.  The next day he had a race and was cleared by the race officials to use a banned healing cream.  The doping agency did a test after a and found nothing but that cream.  This is another piece of evidence that proves that he didn't do it.

Lastly, Lance Armstrong gave up, he did not get caught.  Getting caught and giving up are obviously to different things, but why did he give up?  He could still have seven Tour de France trophies in the bag.  I and every other earthly being should believe that he did not cheat.  Also the American Anti-Doping Agency stripped him, not the Tour de France organization.  How can an agency that has nothing to do with the tour strip him so quickly after he gave up and ban him from ever racing in competitive cycling for the rest of his life.

So many questions, and so many answers.  The proof is in the pudding.  You might just have to pull out a couple of files and information, but it is there and it is clear that Lance Armstrong has never done drugs and never will.

1 comment:

  1. Good job. You really supported your reasoning well. The only piece of advice I would say is use the A B transition for your body paragraphs because it makes it flow better.
