One Final Hope
Author's Note- This is a point of view piece in the eyes of the Mudville Nine's coach from the poem "Casey at the Bat."
"Come on men let's pull it together," I said.
As the crowd of ten thousand yelled.
I picked up my roster and banged it on my head.
I looked at it once more, and looked up at the score.
The team has let the crowd down once more.
Now that we are up to bat we have a mighty chance.
Now that we have a great crowd on our back to help us chant.
I look back at the dugout and the bench is filled with men.
I see a sneer on everyone as they let down at the end.
As I walk over to the bench they lift their spirits bright.
I look at the roster again and oh what a sight.
But Cooney was out at first, and Barrows did just quiet that, too.
"Come on men button up your shirts and hit the ball," I said.
So Flynn was up to bat and scored a single.
Followed by Blake who snatched a double.
The fans are now stamping their feet.
And yelling for Joy.
For now we have a power hitter.
His name is Casey Croy.
I yell at Casey one last time before he steps up to the plate.
All the fans are singing and the pitcher is filled with fright.
Casey lets the first one go by and now the fans are mad.
Only to let the second one go just as bad.
Now he looks ready as I am screaming in his face.
"Try right now or you don't get your place!"
He swings and misses and my heart has skipped a beat.
The Mudville Nine have been beaten and the city is filled with shame.
And Casey is all to blame.
In the poem "Casey at the Bat," the narration is in the point of view as a spectator or maybe an announcer that was trying to describe Casey's failure mostly. In my different point of view the narration is by the coach describing the players and the fans more in depth. I made this extra piece to support the details of the crowd and the rest of the players. The original poem has more details about Casey and explain him better but the coaches point of view really is the mad one.
I like that I did a creative piece but it should have an analysis. Without an analysis I would give myself a seven but with an analysis I would give myself a 9.5 or possibly a ten if it was good enough.